Learn What AIDS Symptoms… Learn AIDS Prevention Tips


AIDS is a deadly disease that is very fatal to the body. It has not been cured yet, so it is important that the disease does not stop. The biggest problem with this disease is that its effects occur in the patient’s body after a very long time and by then it is too late. Also, people will get HIV testing faster. There are two main reasons behind this. The first is that people are not aware of this and secondly they are ashamed of it. Tells you what its symptoms are and how to avoid it.

What is AIDS ?

The full name of AIDS is Acquires Immunodeficiency Disease Syndrome, the disease was first discovered in New York. The disease could be anyone else’s, but that doesn’t mean you stopped meeting that person. The disease is caused by the HIV virus. Because of this, any person’s ability to fight off infections decreases. If HIV is tested and is positive, it means you have a serious disease like AIDS.

This is a terrible disease. According to research in 2015, 21 million people are infected with HIV. India ranks third in AIDS. About 68,000 people have died from the disease. It has seen a slight decline right now.

Symptoms of HIV AIDS

HIV symptoms do not appear in the body very quickly. When they grow slowly, they look like common disease symptoms. These symptoms can be caused by another disease.

  • Fever
  • Pain in the period
  • Feel tired
  • Joint pain
  • Pain in muscle
  • Swelling of the gland

Your symptoms may increase after these symptoms. This indicates that your immunity is decreasing.

  • Lose weight
  • Having diarrhea
  • Night sweats
  • Skin Failure
  • Intercourse

How AIDS Happens

Having sex

Sex is also the leading cause of unsafe sex aids. If you have sex with an infected person, it can also cause AIDS disease. It can also be transmitted through a person’s semen or oral sex. Moose ulcers or anal can also occur during sex.

Blood circulation

Many cases of AIDS have also come out in blood donation. If the blood of an AIDS patient rises to normal, it can cause AIDS.

Pregnancy or breastfeeding

If a woman suffers from AIDS, due to pregnancy or breastfeeding, she gives the disease to her baby.


If you use injections with drug use, there is a risk of HIV AIDS. People who use injections for drugs do not even know about this.

AIDS prevention

– The main cause of AIDS is unprotected sex. Before having sex, it should be known that both partners have no such illness.

– Find out first about you and your spouse and get HIV diagnosed first.If not a sexual problem, then STD Get tested.

– Use condoms every time before sex. Learn how to use it.

– Do not have sex with different types of people. Sometimes this problem is also caused by having sex with unlimited people.

– If HIV is passed on, do not risk your spouse’s life and build relationships with them.
Avoid injection of a previously used needle.

What to Eat in AIDS Disease?

– Use fiber rich in vitamins and minerals.
– Eat brown rice, potatoes and bread that contain starch.
– Lean meat Use fish, eggs and beans.
– Any type of dairy products can be used like milk yogurt.



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