Why hair is more dry in the cold, use these remedies to strengthen the hair


Many types of skin problems begin as winter begins and the skin begins to become dry and lifeless. Like the skin, the hair also becomes dry and lifeless during the winter. Not only that, this season also faces the problem of hair loss. In fact, in the winter season the hair dries due to which they weaken and break. Apart from this, due to lack of nutrition and wearing a woolen hat, hair also starts to fall off.

It happens that they are aware of this when they begin to have excessive hair loss than normal. If your hair becomes excessive in the winter season, you should try the following remedies, with these remedies to relieve your hair loss problem.


Friends should tell you that consuming onion and applying its juice on the hair will solve the problem of hair loss. Eat one raw onion every day during hair fall and apply onion juice on the hair twice a week. Take an onion and grind it. After removing the juice, apply it on the roots using cotton and when it dries, rinse the hair with water. Applying onion juice also helps grow new hair and prolong hair.

Coconut oil

Do a massage of hair with oils in winter. Because of the cold air during winter, the skin of the head becomes dry. This causes the hair to begin to shake. So it is very important that this season you should massage your scalp with oil. So that the moisture on the skin of the head is intact.


Applying an egg hair mask gives the hair protein and minerals and makes the hair stronger. To prepare the mask of egg hair, break one egg and mix it well and mix the olive oil inside it. Apply this hair mask on the hair well and after 20 minutes wash your hair with lukewarm water.


Applying fenugreek paste on the hair will strengthen the hair. Soak the fenugreek seeds in water overnight and crush it. Add coconut oil to this paste and apply it on your hair. When the paste is dry, rinse the hair with water. Using fenugreek on the hair makes the hair very soft and strong from the roots.



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