Romance is considered to be a beneficial factor for the body’s senses. According to the dietician, improving diet can improve not only our physical health but also our mental health. Dietitas claim that you can spice up your romantic life by incorporating certain foods into the diet. Including these 7 things in the diet can improve sex life.
In addition to creating mood, nuts can also improve your performance. So add nuts, walnuts, peanuts etc. to your diet daily.
Dark chocolate:
In fact, chocolate increases the level of serotonin and dopamine in our brain, which makes us happy and creates our mood. Chocolate contains a fair amount of phenylethylamine. This compound forms in the body when you are in love. You may have lost its level of stress because of it. So eat chocolate and make your romantic life chocolatey.
Broccoli and celery:
Taking broccoli reduces estrogen in the body and increases testosterone levels. At the same time celery contains androstrone, which is very useful for creating mood.
Garlic contains allicin, which increases blood flow. This is very effective for men. It can also solve the problem of erection.
Oats are also useful for creating a mood for romance. Eating oats increases testosterone levels in the blood.
Protein is helpful in building muscle. In addition, it is also effective in creating mood. This increases the level of testosterone in the body. Fish contains vitamin B. So it strengthens metabolism by eating, which also has an effect on the sexual life.
In addition to creating mood, nuts can also improve your performance. So add nuts, walnuts, peanuts etc. to your diet daily.